Front Cover
I used the close up image of the shield pads from Toughbuilt's website homepage to showcase the high quality of the product so that a reader can really see the intricate details.
Front Cover - Before
Front Cover - After
Table of Contents
On the left hand side I placed an image of a man wearing one of the products, and added some visual interest by having the image bleed into the right hand page, so it slightly interacts with the title. I overlaid a “gritty texture” for part of the headings, so that the design doesn’t become flat, and it gives more of an industrial feel which reflects the environment that the products are used in. I noticed that Toughbuilt's packaging uses chevrons, so I incorporated them into the heading and the page numbers on the next spread. I enlarged the numbers, and used the yellow accent colour to make it more engaging and stand out.
Contents Page - Before
Contents Page - After
Product Listing Page
I wanted to keep the listing page clean and clear in order for the readers to easily digest the content, and added some adjustments to enhance the existing layout. I kept the large image of the thigh support knee pads as I made the assumption that it’s a “showcase” product. I identified some of the main features that make this product special and highlighted them using pointers.
I organised the body copy by putting the product code under the sub-header because I felt it looked a little lost when placed so far down before, and it is important information for customers who would want to place an order. I increased the spacing between bullet points, so that it is easier to read, and I also think it adds to the aesthetics of the page layout. I swapped over the text for rocker knee pads and placed it to the right hand side which gives it better visual flow. Crucially this separates each section enabling all three to stand out on their own whilst ensuring they are not confused with one another. In addition to this, delicate lines have still been included to help to separate each product.
Product Listing Page - Before
Product Listing Page - After
I also created a second version of the listing page, that includes icons that pull out key product features. Note that these icons and chosen words just illustrate a concept, I do not think they represent a finished version.
Product Listing Page - After (option)